Helping the floral industry spread the beauty of flowers through websites, e-mails and social media


Find more of the right customers

These days, rather than only relying on the traditional glossy coffee-table books and magazines, new and experienced flower lovers are finding information online with gardening apps and searching gardening websites.

A successful online marketing strategy will guarantee their searches will find you and your flowers.

But you’re busy running a business and it’s tough to keep up with the fast-moving online marketing strategies — I can help.


Invest in your relationship with your customers

Show your best self and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships with your customers.

In addition to being an online marketing specialist, I am also a Master Gardener. I combine my hands-on knowledge of the garden industry with technology to share information about your flowers through your website, e-mails and social media.


My emphasis is on promoting sustainable products and services to support organic gardening, and the buy-local, buy fresh movement

Let’s grow your floral business together.

Take two minutes to fill out this form and you’ll hear back from Marijo in less than 24 hours.